Amanda moved to Ravensfield for a fresh start, but before that can happen she needs a handyman to fix a few things around the house. While searching for one in town, she falls victim to a town conspiracy. Someone is out to get her and the members of the town council. But that isn't the only thing. The town's residents aren't what they seem.
With everyone being a suspect, Amanda isn't sure who to trust. Although, Simon, the handyman helps her out in a pinch. Just when she thinks she might be safe, everything turns on its head and Amanda doesn't know who to turn to. The danger grows. The death toll rises. If the killer isn't found soon, then she might be next.
The light she parked under
sputtered in and out. Amanda set her bag and her purse in the passenger seat.
An older red Ford pickup pulled up beside her. The brakes squealed as it
stopped. Amanda winced from the ear splitting sound echoing off the surrounding
buildings. The door opened and the driver got out. At the same time, a searing
pain hit her shoulder. A large pop sounded in the parking lot. Out of the
corner of her eye, she saw red blossoming on the right shoulder of her T-shirt.
“Shit.” She clutched the edge
of her truck as her knees buckled.
“Whoa! I got you.” A man
grabbed her arm. She looked up into dark brown eyes and a bright smile.
“What just happened?”
“Someone shot at you.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know why.”
“I need a doctor.”
“It doesn’t look too bad. I
think the bullet grazed you. There isn’t a doctor around here, but I can stitch
it up for you.”
No doctor. A wise ass for a
shopkeeper and now I’m getting shot at. “Isn’t it convenient you showed up
right when this happened? Where are the cops? Why would someone be shooting at
“You’re in shock. Come on.
Let me help you. I’ll make sure the locals know about this if someone hasn’t
called it in already. Howard, the sheriff, will take a bit to get down here. He
lives on the other side of the town. I’ll tell Guss to call him and send him my
way if you want me to look at that for you. I—”
The glass in her passenger
window exploded. Amanda jumped. “Fine. Going with you is better than being shot
at. What the fuck? Who would be insane enough to—?”
Another bullet skimmed off
her savior’s roof closer to him this time.
“Get in.”
“My purse.”
He rolled his eyes and
grabbed her purse. “Here, don’t worry about the other stuff.” Another bullet
pinged off his hood. “Time to go.” Amanda moved around his truck and climbed
into his passenger seat. He leaned over her and pulled out a bunch of napkins
from the glove box. “Put these on your shoulder to help with the bleeding. Constant
pressure.” He started the truck and
peeled out. He kept his gaze on the road and one hand on the wheel. Her savior
stuck his free hand out. “Simon.”
“Amanda.” She looked at his
hand while she pressed the wad to her shoulder.
“Right.” He put his hand back
on the wheel. “Amanda, nice to meet you. What brings you to our quaint little
“Long story. I wouldn’t call
it quaint.”
“Why? Getting shot at wasn’t
on your agenda when you moved here?”
Amanda didn’t answer. Instead
she braced herself as he took the corners at breakneck speeds. By the time they
pulled down a long driveway bordered by tall pine trees on both sides, she had
no idea where she was. Simon helped her out of the truck and into the house.
“Don’t mind the mess. I
wasn’t expecting company. Come into the bedroom. Sit.”
Amanda gazed around the room.
Laundry and tools were scattered in front of an old fireplace. A stack of books
leaned against a ratty armchair. An old beveled mirror hung on the wall above a
bureau. The bed was unmade. Thick black curtains covered the windows. She
perched on the bed, holding the wad of napkins to her shoulder. Simon dashed
into his bathroom and came out with a first aid kit.
“Is this how you woo all the
women you meet? Bring them to your cluttered bedroom and offer them free first
aid?” Amanda tried to stop her voice and body from shaking. She half expected
another bullet to come through his window. It didn’t seem real until she was in
his truck driving away from hers. Now she sat in a strange man’s bedroom trying
to figure out who shot at her and why. No one knew her in town. The only person
who knew where she was happened to be her lawyer.
“Funny. Hey, I’m going to
need you to take off your shirt.”
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