Hello everyone, It's a new feature on my Blog. Throwback Thursday taking a look at some of my past books to whet your appetite until the new ones come out.
Today is Turning Ash. Vampires, psychics, and evil abound in this book.
Check it out.

After a year, Ashling is finally going to meet
Devlin in person. Devilishly handsome, he’s
haunted her dreams ever since she saw his picture. However, their first meeting doesn’t go as planned. Nearly killed by a
vampire hunter, Ashling is pulled into a dark world she never thought existed.
One where vampires are real.
Devlin isn’t the man he purports to be and Markus, his sire,
has another agenda for Ashling. On the run from the hunters, she finds herself
in a new city and with a die hard attraction to Markus that she can’t shake. Trying
to blend in and forget about vampires, she’s dragged back into their blood
soaked world. And then the hunters find her once more.
Will Devlin come to her rescue? Will Markus reveal his true
intentions? Or will the hunters get what they really came for?
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Ashling stared at the pale stranger before her. If she hadn’t seen a
picture of him, she never would’ve believed that Devlin was standing
there. She wouldn’t have committed to meeting him in person unless she
had talked to him on the phone first. Before that, there were hundreds
of text messages and emails where she had spilled her heart out to this
man. He didn’t judge her for the choices she made. Moreover, their long
talks had blossomed into a good friendship. Finally, he suggested they
should meet.
Half shrouded in shadows, Devlin leaned against the glass of the empty
coffee shop. His shoulder-length hair was caught back in a ponytail. The
illumination of the lights made his skin even paler than in his
snapshot. A strand of hair, escaping the binding of the elastic, played
along his high cheekbones in the gentle breeze. He was even more
beautiful in real life than staring at his photograph. Ashling had
committed his image to memory just in case she woke up and the photo was
somehow gone.
She stood on the corner, still in the shadows, feeling the energy of the
environment playing on her skin. She drew in the strength of the night,
letting it warm her and feed her deep hunger. This man was also a
psychic vampire. She licked her lips. Part of her wondered if she
blinked would Devlin disappear? My nerves are getting the better of me.
Maybe I shouldn’t do this. There were many stories of women meeting
strange men from the Internet, and the women were never heard from
again. She gripped the sides of her skirt and wiped her sweaty palms on
the fabric. She sucked on her tongue ring, pushing it up and down inside
her mouth, and clinked it against her teeth. Even her toes shook. This
is ridiculous. He won’t hurt me. I’ve been talking to him for over a
year now. I know him.
“Yeah, but how much do you know him?” Christa’s voice echoed in her mind.
More than I ever knew you before I told you what I was. And that didn’t
stop you from hanging around me. Ashling dismissed her friend’s
statement and drew in a breath. She pushed up her glasses. Car
headlights blinded her, so she threw up her hand to protect her eyes
from the glare and withdrew further into the velvet darkness concealing
her even from Devlin’s eyes. Her eyeteeth tingled. A slow burn unwound
in the pit of her stomach. This isn’t good. It meant her hunger was
unsatisfied. The energy of the night wasn’t helping. Ashling had fed
before she came to meet Devlin. Christa had allowed her to draw in some
of her energy before she left. Normally, Ashling liked to feed while she
was asleep and dreamwalking, but tonight her nerves were burning
through the energy. She ran her tongue over her teeth and willed the
hunger away. At times like this, when her hunger raged, it seemed she
possessed actual fangs.
Smoothing the fabric of her skirt one more time, she stepped into the
dim light of the café. Devlin wasn’t there. Somehow he had disappeared
in the few seconds she blocked her eyes from the oncoming headlights.
She turned and searched Massachusetts Avenue for him. If he was playing
with her, there were too many shadows for him to be concealed in. Shit.
He must have thought I wasn’t going to show and left. Regret consumed
Ashling. Maybe it was all my imagination. Maybe I didn’t really see him.
A deep laugh erupted next to her ear, a velvet purr; she wasn’t sure it
was coming from a human throat. Ashling spun around and found Devlin now
resting against the telephone pole, gazing straight at her. A wide grin
spread on his sensuous lips. The smile made him more breathtaking than
the dark brooding photo he had sent her. A ladder of silver hoops hung
in both of his ears. His smoky eyes were surrounded by long onyx lashes.
A sprinkling of stubble ran along his chin. In the picture, his face
was angled down so she hadn’t seen his eyes that closely.
Her throat went dry while she struggled to find the right words. Here
was the guy, her savior sometimes, who had listened to her and helped
her through the horrible bouts of hunger she’d had, the depression, and
the rejection she’d experienced over the past year. It wasn’t easy being
a psychic vampire in the world. Most of the populace thought she was
insane for being what she was. When she finally found a small niche to
belong to, a whole new world had opened up. She had discovered kindred
souls among the online communities. There was always the possibility
they were yanking her chain, but she was good at reading people. Just as
she’d read Devlin the first time she had gotten a personal IM from him.
* * * *
When Devlin’s instant message box popped up, she was browsing some
threads on a message board. She had almost ignored it, but something in
the way he phrased his question intrigued her. His icon on the forum was
a smiley face. Most of the logos reflected something of their owners’
dark personalities. Hers was a little picture of one of her Living Dead
Dolls, Lilith to be exact. The smiley face should’ve turned her off, but
staring at the blinking cursor while he waited for a response, Ashling
studied his introductory question. It read:
“Are you happy, Ashling?”
Was she happy? What an inane question to ask. Of course she was happy.
Her fingers poised on the keyboard of her laptop ready to make some
snide reply, but the query echoed through her thoughts. Was she happy?
She had a boyfriend. She was keeping the hunger at bay. She had a job
she liked. Her roommate was great. There were no problems in her life
and the online community was revealing more psychic vampires every day.
Even though she was finding them, a small part of her never felt they
were completely like her.
So she typed her response. “Most of the time.”
“What about right at this moment? If you could capture it and freeze it, would you be happy?”
“Yes,” she replied, but doubt lingered in her mind.
There was a pause, as if he was laughing. A low chuckle echoed through
her darkened bedroom. I’m hearing things. It’s my imagination giving
this crazy guy a personality.
“I’m not so sure about that.”
“Why? Can you make me happy?”
“I don’t know. I was only posing the question. I love to make people think.”
Ashling snorted when she read the response. He certainly made her think. “Well, are YOU happy?”
“Of course. I’ve just met you.”
Blood rushed to her cheeks. Why am I blushing? I don’t know this guy
from a hole in the wall? He could be a depraved serial killer for all
she knew. “Well, that’s nice of you to say, but you don’t know me.”
“But I want to know you.”
“Well, I don’t want to know you.” Ashling closed the lid of her laptop,
shutting off the contact with the mysterious IMer. For the rest of the
day, their small conversation stuck in her head. Even while she was at
work pouring drinks, the band on stage couldn’t pull her mind off the
conversation. When she arrived home that night, exhausted, smelling like
cheap beer and cigarettes, she opened her laptop. The little white box
remained, waiting for her to reply. She shook her head and closed the
computer again. If the guy really wanted to talk, then he would have to
wait until she had showered and gotten a little shut-eye.
* * * *
“Are you daydreaming?”
Ashling blushed and looked away. She had completely tuned Devlin out. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize. You’ve always been so down to earth when we talk
and not up in the clouds.” Annoyance peppered his voice. Devlin lived a
few hundred miles away in New York City, while she was in Boston. They
had arranged the meeting a few weeks ago when they both had a few days
off, so she didn’t want him to think his trip was a waste of time.
She shook her head. “I’m not, really. I was just thinking about the
first time we met. When you IM’ed me and asked me if I was happy.”
“Are you?”
He smiled this time, which lit up his dark eyes. Ashling bit her lip
harder, tasting blood. Fantasies of her and Devlin threatened to
overwhelm her, but she had a boyfriend. She and Evan had dated for three
years now. They were good together. He was a normal college student,
but underneath his Polos and khakis lived a rocker with some outrageous
tattoos. Ashling hadn’t told him about her nature, and he wasn’t pleased
when she informed him that Devlin was meeting with her.
“Why don’t we go inside? It’s getting a little chilly out here.”
She nodded and headed toward the café. Ashling reached for the door, but
Devlin got it first. Blood seared her cheeks, hurting her face from
blushing so hard. She’d had butterflies in her stomach on the subway
ride over, but those fluttery little insects had morphed into
dive-bombing hawks, churning her stomach. She ducked inside, glad the
interior of the café was dim. There were plenty of nooks and crannies
where she could hide, especially upstairs. They walked to the counter.
She got a hot chocolate with shaved dark chocolate on top of the whipped
cream. Devlin ordered peppermint tea. He didn’t seem the type who went
with tea. She assumed he was a hardcore kinda guy who drank his coffee
black. Devlin followed her up the winding staircase to her favorite spot
next to the window. Tonight she paid no mind to the bustling street
below because she was too enamored with having Devlin here in the flesh.
Part of her yearned to reach out, touch him and fling her body against
his to feel if he was solid. Devlin slid into the chair across from her,
careful for not even his boot to bump her knee under the small table.
Ashling poked at the dark chocolate slivers with her spoon, not able to
meet his eyes yet. She tried to keep her hands steady. What do we talk
about? I’ve told him all my secrets. He knows so much about me. Even
more than Evan. Devlin could be my best girlfriend. She tried to place
her spoon on the rim of the saucer, but it clattered and spattered her
with hot chocolate droplets.
“Shit,” she muttered. Her right eye started to twitch. Ashling grabbed a
napkin, dabbing at the spots on her cheek and then on the table.
Devlin’s fingers landed on the white napkin, pinning it to the wooden
surface still leaving centimeters between them.
“Ashling, focus.” His voice was soft yet commanding. She dared a look
into his smoldering eyes. They reached into her soul and captured her.
She drew in a breath, nearly choking on the air. The heat from his
fingers brushed against her flesh and enticed the hunger. The temptation
to pierce his aura and drain it slowly, savoring it, pressed on her
mind. Her teeth ached again. His gaze held hers, but she regained
control and finally looked away.
“Sorry, Devlin. I’m normally not this discombobulated when I meet new people.”
“I don’t bite, Ashling.”
She laughed. “You could if you wanted too.” Devlin also professed to
drinking blood on occasion, but mostly he got by on energy the way she