Right...it's November. We've already had the giving out candy month.
Now we're in the month to stuff the turkey.
Then comes the one with the big dude in red and candy canes. At least I think I'm on the right track. See this is what happens when the day job takes over, combined with our new puppy, Briar, and oh yeah, writing. Sometimes the world just seems to pass us by and we forget about all other things.
So this is just a little bit of what's been going on.
The puppy has been keeping us busy as we've had her now for two and a half months. She was very skittish when we first rescued her from the pound. She's six and a half months old right now and has bonded with our Border Collie/Lab Mix, Cadence. Morrigaine, our lab who is nine tolerates her. Now with the pack in the house, it makes for an interesting day and little time to write, but I do make the time.
On to the writing.
Let's see...I've had one publisher close after eight years so I got a few books back from them. Another publisher has contacted two books in an angel series I'm writing about fallen angels.
With a co-author, I've finished a book about dragons that could turn into a series. It just all depends on how much time we have between projects and our lives cause you know, it's not like we're at all busy.
Up until now, I have just finished my first contemporary novel with no paranormal creatures of events in it. I just wanted to see if I could do something different. The title right now is called Lube It Up. I know what you're thinking...but it's not what you think.
Besides that, I am currently working on the third book in the Fur World series to go along with Three Fur All, Passion Fur Three, and bringing in characters from A Cat For All into the mix as well. So that should be fun. No idea on when that will be done because I'm also writing two other books and editing two more as the time permits.
I'm branching out and heading back into my roots which is writing horror. So I'm writing a grim reaper series and am on the third in the series. I started researching and began the work of writing a novel that will spawn a series based on an undertaker and the bodies that show up at her work. And have another series planned about hunters of the supernatural. This one has been outlined, but I haven't started writing it yet.
Hopefully these will all go well and the two books will be done by the end of the year.
Plans for 2014?
Haven't gotten that far yet.
I'll let you know in June...maybe.
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