Sunday, September 25, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday: WIP: Three Fur All

This is a snippet to my current WIP. October has escaped from her werewolf captor and he is on her heals. He won't let her go. Enjoy!
Fear stopped her in her tracks. The wolf barred its teeth, showing long curved fangs that were stained with blood. In between some of the teeth she could see the strings of flesh from its last meal. It was completely black with shinning yellow eyes. Its lips pulled back to show more of its teeth and she got the impression that it was smiling at her. Either way if she didn’t get away from him now, then she never would.


Rebecca Royce said...

Maybe she shouldn't get away. Great 6.

Dakota Trace said...

Ah the thrill of the chase. Nothing better to get the heart pumping. Besides something tells me he's not gonna let her go. Great six.

Siobhan Muir said...

Eep! Great six! :)

Anonymous said...

Vivid six! Thanks for sharing!

Karysa Faire said...

Yikes! Scary six.